Bound to Share or Not to Care. The Force of Fate, Gods, Luck, Chance and Choice across Cultures


Berniūnas Renatas1ORCID,Beinorius Audrius2,Dranseika Vilius34,Silius Vytis3,Rimkevičius Paulius3


1. Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania

2. Professor of Indian and Buddhist studies, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania

3. Researcher, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania

4. Postdoctoral Researcher, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Jagiellonian University Krakow Poland


Abstract People across cultures consider everyday choices in the context of perceived various external life-determining forces: such as fate and gods (two teleological forces) and such notions as luck and chance (two non-teleological forces). There is little cross-cultural evidence (except for a belief in gods) showing how people relate these salient notions of life-determining forces to prosociality and a sense of well-being. The current paper provides preliminary cross-cultural data to address this gap. Results indicate that choice is the most important life-determining factor. Regression analyses indicate that choice and belief in gods and fate emerged as significant predictors of prosociality towards strangers. Moreover, luck was a significant predictor of decreased prosociality. A relation between life-determining forces and life satisfaction followed the same pattern: choice, gods, and fate emerged as significant predictors of greater life satisfaction, whereas luck was associated with decreased life satisfaction. The overall pattern of results indicates that participants across different cultures might sense being bounded to share or not to care depending on the perceived intentional agency and meaning in the external forces.


European Social Fund




Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Experimental and Cognitive Psychology,Cultural Studies,Social Psychology

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