1. Corresponding author, Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Klebelsberg Kuno street 3, Tihany, 8237, Hungary, takacs.peter@blki.hu
2. Soós Ernő Research and Development Center, University of Pannonia, 8800 Nagykanizsa, Hungary, maasz.gabor@uni-pen.hu
3. Soós Ernő Research and Development Center, University of Pannonia, 8800 Nagykanizsa, Hungary, zrinyi.zita@uni-pen.hu
4. Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Klebelsberg Kuno street 3, Tihany, 8237, Hungary, boross.nora@blki.hu
5. Department of Hydrobiology, Research Center for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Anna-liget u. 35, Szarvas 5540, Hungary, Vital.Zoltan@uni-mate.hu
6. Deparment of Molecular Ecology, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, 2100, Hungary, kanai.dora@gmail.com
7. Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Klebelsberg Kuno street 3, Tihany, 8237, Hungary
8. Deparment of Molecular Ecology, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, 2100, Hungary, bano.balint@blki.hu
9. Department of Freshwater Fish Ecology, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, 2100, Hungary, Staszny.Adam@uni-mate.hu
10. Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Budapest, Karolina street 29, Hungary, saly.peter@ecolres.hu
11. Department of Freshwater Fish Ecology, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllő, 2100, Hungary, Kovacs.Balazs@uni-mate.hu