Renewed perspectives on the sedentary-pelagic last common bilaterian ancestor


Martynov Alexander V.1,Korshunova Tatiana A.2


1. Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 6, 125009 Moscow, Russia,

2. Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology RAS, 26 Vavilova Str., 119334 Moscow, Russia


Abstract Various evaluations of the last common bilaterian ancestor (lcba) currently suggest that it resembled either a microscopic, non-segmented motile adult; or, on the contrary, a complex segmented adult motile urbilaterian. These fundamental inconsistencies remain largely unexplained. A majority of multidisciplinary data regarding sedentary adult ancestral bilaterian organization is overlooked. The sedentary-pelagic model is supported now by a number of novel developmental, paleontological and molecular phylogenetic data: (1) data in support of sedentary sponges, in the adult stage, as sister to all other Metazoa; (2) a similarity of molecular developmental pathways in both adults and larvae across sedentary sponges, cnidarians, and bilaterians; (3) a cnidarian-bilaterian relationship, including a unique sharing of a bona fide Hox-gene cluster, of which the evolutionary appearance does not connect directly to a bilaterian motile organization; (4) the presence of sedentary and tube-dwelling representatives of the main bilaterian clades in the early Cambrian; (5) an absence of definite taxonomic attribution of Ediacaran taxa reconstructed as motile to any true bilaterian phyla; (6) a similarity of tube morphology (and the clear presence of a protoconch-like apical structure of the Ediacaran sedentary Cloudinidae) among shells of the early Cambrian, and later true bilaterians, such as semi-sedentary hyoliths and motile molluscs; (7) recent data that provide growing evidence for a complex urbilaterian, despite a continuous molecular phylogenetic controversy. The present review compares the main existing models and reconciles the sedentary model of an urbilaterian and the model of a larva-like lcba with a unified sedentary(adult)-pelagic(larva) model of the lcba.




Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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