Why did Mendeleev not go to university? (Educational policy of Nicholas I)


Dmitriev Igor1


1. The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The article examines the educational policy of the Russian Empire during the reign of Nicholas I. In particular, the history of the appearance of the order of Nicholas I on limiting the number of students at universities is considered. According to this order, the staff of students at the universities was “limited to 300 in each, with the prohibition of enrollment in students until the available number is not included in this legalized amount.” An exception was made only for medical faculties, since the army needed qualified doctors. This meant that in most universities in Russia the admission of students should be (and actually was) closed for several years. A particularly difficult situation has developed in the St. Petersburg and Moscow universities. That is why many talented young people, including D. I. Mendeleev, could not get a university education. The study shows that the educational policy in Nicholas Russia was ambiguous and contradictory. The emperor simultaneously wanted to get highly qualified officials and specialists who met the highest European requirements, but at the same time, considering universities as a source of social destabilization and ideological danger, he took measures that hindered the normal development of higher education (in primarily civic) in the country.


Research Institute for Mechanics of National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

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