1. [1] ATAG-Air Transprt Action Group, “Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders,” 2018.
2. [2] BOEING, “Current market outlook 2017-2036,” 2017.
3. [3] FlightschoolList.com, “Airplane Flight Schools from all over the world,” https://www.flightschoollist.com/airplane-flight-schools/. [Accessed: 20-Mar-2019].
4. [4] FlightschoolList.com, “Aviation Collage and Universities from all over the world,” https://www.flightschoollist.com/aviation-college/. [Accessed: 20-Mar-2019].
5. [5] SACAA, “Approved Training Organizations-Pilot Training (South African Civil Aviation Authority),”http://www.caa.co.za/Aviation Personnel Standards/List of ATOs and AMTOs.pdf. [Accessed: 20-Mar-2019].