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2. Bretfeld, G. (1999) Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola: symphypleona. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Gorlitz, 71, 1-318.
3. Collembola (Plates LV-LVII)
4. Feeding guilds in Collembola based on nitrogen stable isotope ratios
5. Chettri, N., Sharma, E., Shakya, B., Thapa, R., Bajracharya, B., Uddin, K., Choudhury, D. & Oli, K.P. (2010) Biodiversity in the Eastern Himalayas: Status, trends and vulnerability to climate change. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal. 28 p.