1. Christner, T. W., (2009). An Assessment of Land Use Impacts on Channel Morphology in a Western Minnesota Watershed, ProQuest, A Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, 182 p.
2. Christner, T. W., (2009). An Assessment of Land Use Impacts on Channel Elsevier Inc. 860p.
3. Gregory, K. J., (2006). The human role in changing river channels, Journal of Leopold, L.B. and Wolman, M.G. (1957). River channel patterns: braided, meandering, and straight, Geological Survey Professional Paper 282-B. United Sates Government Printing Office, WA, USA. pp. 39-85.
4. Martin, Derek J. (2005). Geospatial analysis of gravel bar deposition and channel migration within the Ozark national scenic riverways, Missouri (1955-2003). A thesis presented to the graduate college Of Southwest Missouri State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of science, geospatial sciences. 109p.
5. Study on the stability of non-cohesive river bank