1. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
Temperature relationships of Vigna subteranea flower (VSFE) extract on the corrosion of carbon steel in 2.0 M H2SO4 at 303-323 ˚K was studied by weight loss method. The obtained results show that VSFE extract acts as inhibitor for carbon steel in H2SO4 solution. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increase in VSFE extract concentration but decreased with acid concentration and temperature, which is suggestive of physical adsorption mechanism although chemisorption may play a part. The adsorption of VSFE onto the carbon steel surface was found to follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The correlation coefficient (R²) ranging from 0.9992 ≥ R² ≤ 0.9715 was obtained. Both kinetic parameters (activation energy, pre-exponential factor, enthalpy of activation and entropy of activation) and thermodynamics of adsorption (enthalpy of adsorption, entropy of adsorption and Gibbs free energy) were evaluated and discussed from the effect of temperature on the corrosion and inhibition processes.
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