1. Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
2. Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Krasnoyarsk region, Bureau No. 22
PURPOSE. Assessment of the state of primary disability (PD) caused by glaucoma in the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Region over time in the period from 2017 to 2021.METHODS. The information from the reporting documentation of the Bureaus of Medical and Social Expertise (MSE) of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Region for 2017–2021 was analyzed. The analysis of primary disability indicators was carried out for two age groups of the adult population: individuals of working age (men aged 18–59; women aged 18–54) and individuals of retirement age (men aged 60 and older; women aged 55 and older). The obtained results were processed using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft, USA).RESULTS. During 2017–2021 in the Krasnoyarsk Region, 1930 adults were recognized for the first time as disabled due to an ocular pathology. Glaucoma occupied the first ranking place — 31.0% (599) of cases in the structure of primary disability. Individuals of retirement age became disabled in 86.8% (520) of cases. Residents of the cities of the region became disabled in 69.1% (414) of cases. Males dominated among those who were recognized as disabled for the first time (RDF) due to glaucoma — 60.4% (362) of cases. The level of PD for glaucoma among the adult population of the region in 2017 was 0.52, in 2018 — 0.52, in 2019 — 0.59, in 2020 — 0.44, in 2021 — 0.57 per 10 thousand adult population. For five years, there was an increase in the level of PD due to glaucoma by 50% among the able-bodied urban population of the region, by 45.6% among senior citizens, by 110% among the able-bodied village population. In persons of retirement age living in rural areas of the region, the prevalence of PD decreased by 21.1%. The maximum values of the intensive indicator of PD were determined for men of retirement age: in 2017 — 3.6 per 10 thousand, in 2021 — 3.8 per 10 thousand of the corresponding population of the region. Formation of the contingent of disabled people occurred mainly due to the RDF of I and II disability groups. The proportion of group I disability was the largest — 40.4% (242/599) of cases. People with group I disability were more often treated with local antihypertensive drugs, were operated on at stage 3 of glaucoma.CONCLUSION. To reduce primary disability for glaucoma it is necessary to increase preventive efforts, timely use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, including surgery, and ensure sufficient availability of ophthalmological personnel and high-tech equipment.
Research Institute of Eye Diseases
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