The profile of patients with secondary glaucoma


Isakov I. N.1,Kuroyedov A. V.2


1. G. P. Kurbatov Novokuznetsk City Clinical Hospital No. 1

2. Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital; Pirogov State National Research Medical University


   To date, there have been no studies in the Russian Federation analyzing the territorial prevalence of secondary glaucoma (SG). The reasons for this lie in the specifics of providing epidemiological reports on the incidence of this pathology, staff shortage in the budgetary health care system, lack of clinical interest of researchers in thisт form of the disease, for example due to the severity of its course, etc. At the same time, secondary glaucoma is one of the most severe glaucoma forms, which tends to progress and is difficult to treat with drugs or surgery. The high occurrence of SG (6–22%) worldwide and the risk of losing visual function make it important to continue studying this pathology. The varying occurrence of SG is determined by numerous factors, such as etiology of the disease, demographic and territorial features of the region, educational level, cultural and economic characteristics, patients' awareness and competence. The level of ophthalmologic services, such as qualification of the attending physicians, and the types of glaucoma surgeries that can be performed in the region also play an important role. Considering the relevance of this problem, the aim of this literature review is to determine the epidemiological characteristics of the disease in patients with secondary glaucoma.


Research Institute of Eye Diseases

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