This paper aims to contribute to the study of the impact of strategic management concepts in micro and small company performance using the StratQual measuring. Micro and small companies are, in the Brazilian economic scenario, responsible for a considerable amount of jobs created, GDP’s formation, income generation and the capacity of adapting to the market’s necessities with agility and flexibility. Studies that were carried out by SEBRAE - “Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas” showing that micro and small companies formulate their strategies according to the perception that the entrepreneurs have of possible markets reactions. The StratQual index is presented as a measuring instrument that aims to allow a company to verify the intensity of its strategic management’s process, its evolution, permiting comparisons between different economic sectors, and enabling benchmarking about strategic management processes. One the main results indicates that micro and small companies that perform the activities of each one (Analysis, Planning, Implementation, Control, Feedback) in the Strategic Management process’ stages with higher intensity have a superior performance.
General Business, Management and Accounting
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