Through this paper, we were able to analyze the insurance system in Kosovo by looking at its structure, the degree of concentration of insurance companies in the insurance industry, and the types of products they offer. The analysis was based on statistical and qualitative data through the studies and analysis of insurance industry development in other countries. Furthermore, secondary data from the Central Bank of Kosovo, insurance companies, and the Insurance Association of Kosovo was used for the empirical analysis. Moreover, in order to obtain more data, one survey was conducted. The survey includes a more general audience, specifically employed people. The main research question of this study was whether insurance development has some effect on the financial markets in developing countries. The analysis conducted found that the insurance industry is important for the development of the financial markets in developing countries and also was mentation in research by Cristea, Marcu, and Cârstina (2014). Additionally, the analysis for the case of Kosovo shows that macroeconomic and financial sector-related factors are important drivers for the future development of the insurance industry in Kosovo. Therefore, macroeconomic, institutional, and regulatory environments are crucial for supporting the future growth of the insurance industry in Kosovo.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Management Science and Operations Research,Finance
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