1. 1. Cogan D.G.: Neurology of the Ocular Muscles ed 2 Springfield 111.: Charles C Thomas 1956 pp 177-179.
2. 2. Smith J.L.: "Neuro-Ophthalmologic Entities " in Holt L.B. (ed): Pediatric Ophthalmology Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger 1964 p 368.
3. 3. Lloyd L.A.: "Disorders of the Optic Nerve and Intracranial Tumors " in Ophthalmologic Staff (ed): The Eye in Childhood Chicago: Year Book Med Publ 1967 p 393.
4. 4. Adler F.H.: Physiology of the Eye ed 4 St. Louis: C V Mosby 1965 pp 191-192.
5. 5. Duke-Elder S.: Textbook of Ophthalmology St. Louis C V Mosby 1941 vol III Diseases of the Inner Eye pp 2362-2363.