1. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Key facts about the uninsured population. http://files.kff.org/attachment/Fact-Sheet-Key-Facts-about-the-Uninsured-Population. Accessed January 29 2018.
2. US Department of Health & Human Services. Overview of the uninsured in the United States: a summary of the 2011 current population survey. https://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/overview-uninsured-united-states-summary-2011-current-population-survey. Accessed January 9 2018.
3. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. http://legcounsel.house.gov/Comps/PatientProtectionAndAffordableCareAct.pdf. Accessed January 29 2018.
4. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Affordable Care Act. https://www.medicaid.gov/affordable-care-act. Accessed January 9 2018.
5. Effect of Insurance Expansion on Utilization of Inpatient Surgery