1. 1. Halstead LS. Wiechers DO. Rossi CD: Late effects of poliomyelitis: A national survey in Halstead LS Wiechers DO (eds): Late Effects of Poliomyelitis. Miami Symposia Foundation. 1985.
2. 2. Perry J: Orthopedic management of post-polio sequelae in Halstead LS Wiechers DO (cds): Late Effects of Poliomyelitis. Miami Symposia Foundation 1985.
3. 3. Fischer DA: Poliomyelitis: Late pulmonary complications and management in Halstead LS Wiechers DO (eds); Late Effects of Poliomyelitis. Miami Symposia Foundation. 1985.
4. 4. Maynard FM: Differential diagnosis of pain and weakness in post-polio patients in Halstead LS. Wtechers DO (eds): Late Effects if Poliomyelitis. Miami. Symposia Foundation. 1985.
5. 5. Feldman RM: Late effects of poliomyelitis: Clinical pathophysiology in Halsiead LS Wiechers DO (eds): Late Effects of Poliomyelitis. Miami. Symposia Foundation. 1985.