Infectious Mononucleosis in Adolescents


Chetham Michele M,Roberts Kenneth B




Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

Reference19 articles.

1. Differential Diagnosis and Complications

2. Collins M Flcisher GR Fager SS. Incidence oí bela hemoìytic streptococcal pharyngitis in adolescent with infectious mononucleosis. J Adúlese HeaJtfi Care. 1984; 5:96- 1 00. The authors recümmmd obtaining throat cultures only m ponerán with sewte p/iflryngiiis and treating with antibiotics only !/tuse with cidniTf-praved GABHS.

3. Klemola E et al. Infectious-monanucleosis-like disease with negative heterophil agglutination lost. Clinical features in relation to Epstein-Bmr virus and tyiomegalovirus antibodies. .J Infecí Dis. 1970:121:608-614. In hdiciupfuk antibody negative inononudeiisu. EBV and CMV are the /trmcipli' enologie agents. For reports on mtimmuclfosis-iiitf syndrome caused by HIV Olid HHV-6 see Br Med J. l9BB;297:l363'im and AmJ Clin Pathol. 1990;93776-783 respectively.

4. Putto A. Febrile exudative tonsillitis: viral or sirepiucoccal '. Pediatrics. 1987;80t6-12. The differentia! diagnosis of feMe exudauir tonsillitis: Virus and to a lesser extent. Neoplasma hav a prominent míe in febnie exúdame pharyngite especially in younger children. DiOa implicating Arcanobacrer (Corynebactemim) hemolyticum «i im importarti pathogen in young adults with pnarvngitíj can be found m Ann !nttrn Med. 1 986: i 05:807872.

5. Silveistein A Sceinberg G Nathanson M. NC(MXIS system involvement in infectious mononucleusis. Ardí Níurd. 1972;Z6:353-358. Riporti frndmg in ponenti uiifi IM and neuiuiugic nmÀvement as ihi ma^ir manifestation oj the disease.

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