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2. Townsend FF. The federal response to Hurricane Katrina: lessons learned. The White House 2007. Available online at: http://www. whitehouse.gov/reports/katrina-lessonslearned/ . Accessed Janauary 25 2008.
3. Timeline: foreshadowing the "Big One." NOLA.com: The Katrina Archive Sept. 5 2005. http://www.nola.com/katrina/timeline. Accessed December 19 2007.
4. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hurricane Katrina: a nation still unprepared 2006. http://hsgac.senate. gov. Accessed December 19 2007.
5. Katrina the most destructive US storm ever. Associated Press Sept. 15 2005. http://www. livescience.com/environment/ap_050915_katrina_destruction.html. Accessed December 18 2007.