Fuchs Benjamin H.,Gershengoren Liliya,Ying Patrick,Gurin Lindsey
Psychiatrists may be consulted to evaluate patients with complex neurobehavioral presentations. These patients often present with features that transcend the boundaries of neurology and psychiatry, and it can be challenging to distinguish those with “atypical” or “neurological” presentations of primary psychiatric illness from those with psychiatric sequelae of an underlying neurological disease. This review article provides psychiatrists with a clinical framework for evaluating these patients in the hospital setting. We first describe elements from the clinical history that suggest the presence of an underlying neurological or neuropsychiatric etiology. We then outline the cognitive neuropsychiatric mental status examination, highlighting how deficits in specific domains of neurocognitive functioning may produce clinical neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. Utilizing this framework when approaching patients with complex neurobehavioral syndromes can provide diagnostic insights linking clinical phenomenology with underlying brain circuit dysfunction.
Psychiatr Ann
. 2023;53(1):6–11.]
Psychiatry and Mental health