Shropshire Michele,Hovey Susan,Dyck Mary J.,Johnson Brenda,Yoder Kathleen,Denton Scott
Fall risk assessment is a complex phenomenon involving several risk factors, including an individual's balance and mobility status, chronic health conditions, visual impairment, hearing deficits, environmental hazards (e.g., loose rugs, clutter), and being homebound or semi-homebound. Comprehensive fall risk assessment is the cornerstone of fall prevention in older adults throughout the community. The current study was based on secondary data and sought to examine variables associated with death due to accidental fall in a rural, midwestern county in Illinois, and to heighten awareness for consistent screening and risk assessment in older adults residing in the community. Results illustrated that among community-dwelling older adults with accidental falls, blunt injury or subdural hematoma had significantly fewer days until death than a fracture. [
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48
(6), 26–32.]
Gerontology,General Nursing