Nursing Students' Views on an e-Learning Activity About Health Promotion for Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study


Onebunne Ojelubechukwu,Dahlke Sherry,Devkota Rashmi,Butler Jeffrey I.,Hunter Kathleen F.,Fox Mary T.,Chasteen Alison L.,Moody Elaine


Purpose: Nurses are graduating ill-prepared to work with older adults across care contexts. The education nursing students receive about older adults often focuses on managing illnesses rather than promoting health. To expand the education that nursing students receive regarding health promotion and older adults, we examined nursing students' perceptions of an e-learning activity on health promotion with older adults. Method: We used a cross-sectional survey design. We included first-year baccalaureate nursing students ( N = 260) at a Canadian university. Students were required to complete the module, but only those who wanted to participate in the study completed the survey ( n = 167; response rate = 64.2%). We used a feedback survey to assess students' perceptions of the e-learning activity using four 5-point, Likert-type items. We also asked one open-ended question to solicit participants' feedback and suggestions for improving the e-learning activity. Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean [ SD ]) were used to summarize participants' perceptions and demographic characteristics. Content analysis was used to explore responses to the open-ended question. Results: Participants reported that the module increased their knowledge about health promotion, as well as their perceptions and confidence in working with older adults. Participants also found the method of instruction interactive and enjoyable. Conclusion: Our e-learning activity on health promotion was perceived by nursing students as helpful in sensitizing them to their role in promoting health among older adults. [ Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 50 (3), 19–24.]









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