1. American Nurses Association. 1997. Policy series: Telehealth-issues for nursing. Retrieved October 30, 2005, from www.ana.org/readroom/tele2.htm
2. First Home Telehealth Clinical Guidelines
3. Canadian Nurses Association. 2001. Position statement: The role of the nurse in telepractice. Retrieved January 28, 2005, from www.cna-nurses.ca/_frames/education/educationframe.htm
4. Canadian Nurses Association. 2004. 2004 workforce profile of registered nurses in Canada. Retrieved December 15, 2005, from www.cna-nurses.ca/CNA/documents/pdf/publications/workforce_profile_2004_e.pdf
5. Canadian Society for Telehealth. 2006. Main page: Vision statement. Retrieved February 14, 2006, from www.cst-sct.org