1. 1. Taba H: Curriculum Development Theory and Practice. New York Harcourt Brace and World 1962 Ï 196.
2. 2. Schaffarack J Hampson DT (eds): Strategies for Curriculum Development. Berkeley California McCutcheon Publishing Corp 1975 pp 215-218.
3. 3. Gunter L: Gerontic Nursing: Education and Research. Prepared through HEW 5D10 NUOI160-03 The Pennsylvania State University. 1977 Ï 12.
4. 4. Kramer M: Identification of needs affecting curriculum in graduate education in nursing. In Curriculum in Graduate Education in Nursing Part I. New York National League for Nursing 1975 pp 13-15.
5. 5. Futrell M: Final Report: Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Program. Lowell. Massachusetts University of Lowell. 1977 Ï 26.