1. Abraham I.L. Buckwalter K.C. Harper M.S. Might V.A. Geropsychiatric Nursing: Bringing advances in practice and research to education. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 1994; 32(4):5.
3. Jacqueline M. Stolley MA RNC is Research Assistant and Doctoral Student University of Iowa College of Nursing Iowa City; Kathleen C. Buckwalter PhD RN FAAN is Professor University of Iowa College of Nursing Iowa City and Associate Director of Research Development and Utilization University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City; and Mary S. Harper PhD RN FAAN is Coordinator Long-Term Care Programs Mental Disorders in Aging Research Center National Institute of Mental Health Washington DC.
4. Address correspondence to Jacqueline M. Stolley MA RNC University of Iowa College of Nursing Iowa City IA 52242.
5. This article is reprinted with permission from Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 2994; 32(12)35-39.