1. 1. Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Second Edition. Washington D. C: American Psychiatric Association 1968 p. 49.
2. 2. Freedman A. M. Kaplan H. I. and Sadock B. J. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry Second Edition Volume 2. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company 1975 pp. 1724-1725.
3. 3. Arieti S. and Brody E. B. American Handbook of Psychiatry Second Edition Volume 3. New York: Basic Books 1974 pp. 547-548.
4. 4. Noyes A. P. and KoIb L. C. Modern Clinical Psychiatry Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company 1963 . pp. 429-430.
5. 5. Henderson and Gillespie's Textbook of Psychiatry for Students and Practitioners Tenth Edition. Revised by I. R. C. Batchelor. New York: Oxford University Press 1969 p. 155.