1. 1. Flexner A cited in Griffin GJ Griffin JK: History and Trends of Professional Nursing ed 7. St. Louis CV Mosby Co 1973 pp 130 135 143 158.
2. 2. Cafferty KW Sugarman LK: Steppingstones io Professional Nursing. St. Louis CV Mosby Co 1971 ? 5.
3. 3. Kingsbury Sr V: The Philosophy of Nursing Education as Influenced by the Development of Professional Nursing Education in the United Stales from 1873 to 1947 master's thesis. St. Louis University 1947 pp 19-20 83 85 88.
4. 4. Bensen ER McDevitt JQ: Community Health and Nursing Practice. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey Prentice-Hall Ine 1976 pp 9-10 17-18.
5. 5. Reinhardt AN Quinn MD (eds): Family-Centered Community Nursing: A Socioculiural Framework. St. Louis CV Mosby Co 1973 ? 11.