Dіkeç Mehmet,Dіkeç Gül,Ata Elvan Emine,Özer Duygu
The current study aimed to investigate the renal functions of inpatients with mental disorders. Data for this retrospective and descriptive study were collected from January 2021 to April 2021 from the records of patients who were hospitalized in the psychiatry clinic of a training and research hospital between 2018 and 2020. The study sample comprised hospital records of 376 patients. A significant negative relationship was determined between patients' glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and glucose level, duration of mental disorder, number of hospitalizations, and duration of medication use (
< 0.05). According to the analysis of patients' renal functions, mean GFR was statistically significantly lower in women with physical chronic diseases and diagnosed with personality disorders. Psychiatric–mental health nurses should evaluate and monitor renal functions of individuals with mental disorders and take precautions before kidney diseases develop. [
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, xx
(x), xx–xx.]
Pshychiatric Mental Health,General Nursing