1. 1. Benoit H Clark J Keon WJ. Installation of a commercial excimer laser in the operating room. J Laser Appi. 1989;1:4550.
2. 2. Sliney DH Wolbarsht ML. Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources. New York NY: Plenum Publishing Corp; 1980.
3. 3. Sliney DH. Don't be ultraviolated. Optics News 1988;14:1821.
4. 4. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities. Standard Z- 136.3- 1988 available from the Laser Institute of America. Orlando FIa or ANSI New York NY 1988.
5. 5. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Safe Use of Lasers. Standard Z- 136. 1-1986 available from the Laser Institute of America Orlando FIa or ANSI New York NY 1988.