1. Montefiore awarded $2 million New York State Department of Health grant to advance the education and training of community health workers. News release. Montefiore.org. Published January 9 2024. Accessed March 20 2024. https://www.montefiore.org/body.cfm?id=1738&action=detail&ref=2348
2. Community Health Worker Institute. Einsteinmed.edu. Accessed March 20 2024. https://www.einsteinmed.edu/departments/family-social-medicine/community-health/chwi/
3. NYS healthcare workers raise alarms on statewide staffing crisis, demand legislative action to strengthen workforce, patient care in FY25 state budget. New York State Nurses Association. Published December 19, 2023. Accessed March 20, 2024. https://www.nysna.org/press/2023/nys-healthcare-workersraise-alarms-statewide-staffing-crisis-demand-legislative-action
4. The association between social needs and chronic conditions in a large, urban primary care population
5. Clinical Approaches to Reducing Material Hardship Due to Poverty: Social Risks/Needs Identification and Interventions