1. American Geriatrics Society 2023 updated AGS Beers Criteria® for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults
2. Mobilizing Gerontological Nursing Education
3. Batchelor, M. (Host). (2020). This is getting old: Moving towards an age-friendly world. YouTube. https://melissabphd.com
4. Batchelor, M. (Host). (2021a, January 25). The 4M's framework: Medication with Ayo Bankole, PhD & Tahira Lodhi, MD (Episode 46) [Audiovisual podcast]. This is getting old: Moving towards an age-friendly world. https://youtu.be/RIvkXkkQlOA
5. Batchelor M. (Host). (2021b). The 4M's framework: Mentation with Tahira I. Lodhi MD(Episode 49) [Audiovisual podcast]. This is getting old: Moving towards an age-friendly world. https://youtu.be/RIvkXkkQlOA?si=5WY775MbOQ4QxrDV