Saylor Jennifer,Ruelens-Trinkaus Donna,Graber Jennifer S.,Clark Lindsey A.,Jackson Zachary,Creasy-Thomas Joanne,Heilferty Cathy
This article describes the development of a comprehensive pilot program, “It's ASNAP!” (Acclimating Nursing Students After the Pandemic). The program incorporated the academic, social, and emotional well-being of undergraduate nursing students returning to campus after the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
A purposeful sample of 488 students was recruited to participate via an anonymous survey on the academic, social, and emotional aspects of acclimating back to campus life.
A total of 121 undergraduate nursing students responded to the survey. The majority of students reported study groups (79%) and de-stressing events (86%) were the most helpful as they acclimated back to campus. Compared with the emotional and social areas of support, the academic area of support was of highest interest to the students.
The “It's ASNAP!” program has been acculturated into the school of nursing to support students via study halls, tutoring, and social activities, as well as resilient threads and listening sessions during finals week.
J Nurs Educ
. 2023;62(9):516–518.]
Education,General Nursing