Fostering Scholarly Development in Nursing Science: The Promise of Dimensional Analysis


Whitney Clare,Evered Jane A.


Background: Scholarly development in nursing science is a challenging process of academic evolution. In doctoral programs, students move from mastering technical research skills toward developing scholarly identities. This article explores the utility of dimensional analysis as a method of inquiry for nursing PhD students seeking to deepen their scholarly development when completing course assignments and reaching doctoral program milestones. Method: Using a brief case study, dimensional analysis was described as an interactionist method used to develop grounded theory and illustrate application of the method throughout a 3-year nursing PhD program. Results: Nursing PhD students have the opportunity to drive the depth of their own scholarly development through engaging with theory, method, and independent inquiry. Conclusion: Dimensional analysis holds promise for scholars to simultaneously develop methodological skill, derive situation-specific theory, ground a program of research, and anchor that program of research with theory and method. [ J Nurs Educ . 2023;62(2):112–115.]




Education,General Nursing

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