1. USDCITC: United States Department of Commerce International Trade Commission. Office of Travel and Tourism Industries. Profile of US Resident Travelers Visiting Overseas Destinations: 2009 Outbound. Available at: tinet.ita.doc.gov/outreachpages/download_data_table/2009_Outbound_Profile.pdf. Accessed March 18 2011.
2. Travel Characteristics and Risk‐Taking Attitudes in Youths Traveling to Nonindustrialized Countries
3. Holecek DF Warnell GR Langone LA et al. Characteristic Scale and Economic Importance on Independent Overnight Travel by 12 to 18 year olds in the United States. Survey Results for 2005. Report prepared for Student and Youth Travel Research Institute. Michigan State University. East Lansing Michigan. Sept. 30 2006. Available at: www.syta.org/downloads/MSUFinalReport.pdf. Accessed May 2 2011.
4. College Students' Binge Drinking at a Beach-Front Destination During Spring Break
5. Health Problems in a Large Cohort of Americans Traveling to Developing Countries