Drug Crime as a Challenge for Sustainable Development: The Czech Republic Experience


Čep DavidORCID


The issue of illegal drug production and trafficking represents one of the major challenges of modern society and the sustainable development of mankind. Achieving sustainable development goals such as good health and well-being (SDG 3), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16) would be much more difficult if the issue of drugs-related crime were neglected. This chapter highlights problems associated with this type of criminality from both a global perspective and the perspective of the Czech Republic. It provides general recommendations on effective measures to combat such illegal behaviour. First, the paper discusses the cross-border context of illegal methamphetamine production and its impacts on the environment in both urban and rural areas. Second, it addresses the issue of new synthetic drugs, with an emphasis on semisynthetic cannabinoid HHC, focusing on the approach of Czech legislation and the practices of law enforcement authorities.


University of Maribor Press

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