Research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic


Popovych Ihor1ORCID,Semenov Oleksandr2ORCID,Skliaruk Anastasia3ORCID,Sotnikova Kateryna4ORCID,Semenova Nataliia2ORCID


1. Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.

2. Volyn National University named after Lesia Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine.

3. Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.

4. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine.


The aim of the article was empirical research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is devoted to an empirical study of the factor structure and the prevailing correlations between the psycho-emotional states of the respondents. Valid empirical methods with standardized questionnaires were used: the dominant coping strategy research method, the test of differentiation of emotional states, and the anxiety research method. The study’s empirical picture constructed. Psycho-emotional states were qualitatively interpreted, states were distinguished, and semantic psychological parameters were defined. The factor structure of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers was determined. The psycho-emotional state of F1 “Isolated activity”, which had the most intercorrelations and had the most significant (p≤.01) correlation with F4 “Pragmatic avoidance” (.344), was found to have the greatest factor load. It was empirically established and theoretically substantiated that the structure, variables, and interdependence of the factors of dominant psycho-emotional states were important components in solving issues of lecturers’ professional activity. It was noted that the findings may be useful for university administrations and pedagogical psychology researchers.


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