1. Kyiv National Linguistics University, Ukraine.
2. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
This paper represents the methodological procedure of diagnosing behavioural stereotypes resilience of different language cultures representatives. The methodological procedure is aimed at compiling a typology of narrative codes of stereotypes resilience of four language cultures representatives and it involves the implementation of six successive stages that will help: 1) to compile a list of personal characteristics of respondents involved in the survey; 2) to compile stimulus lists, i.e. markers of expressive narratives (by keywords); 3) to enter the compiled stimuli lists into the Google Forms with corresponding guidelines for respondents; 4) to perform a free associative experiment with the British, French, Germans and Ukrainians of different social groups through electronic communication; 5) to do the computer processing of the obtained results with the involvement of the information-analytical service STIMULUS; 6) to differentiate the degree of stereotypes resilience of separate social groups of each studied linguoculture in situations of expressive narratives, and differentiate linguistic cultures according to three types of their resilience and their degrees of adaptation to stressful phenomena.
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2 articles.