1. Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2. South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine.
The purpose is to develop a typology of competence characteristics of pupils with intellectual disabilities as a measure of a child’s integration into educational activity. The following methods were applied: retrospective analysis and generalization; empirical measurement of relevant parameters of the research subject by means of valid and proprietary methods; k-means clustering, mathematical methods for data processing. The experiment participants: the total number (n=114) of the children from the first to the fifth grades: the pupils with intellectual disabilities (Group 1: n=57; 50.0%) and the pupils with normal development (Group 2: n=57; 50.0%). Key differences were found in the following competences of the research participants: intellectual-cognitive, emotional-motivational and social. It was established that deficiency of cognitive and adaptive skills, violation of social norms and limited communication prevail in the children with intellectual disabilities. Three types of competence characteristics in the pupils with intellectual disabilities in education were determined: Operational-Reproductive (ORT), Limited-Practical (LPT), Limited-Fixed (LFT). The prospect is to create a conceptual model and correction-development program for the formation of key competences of pupils with intellectual disabilities.