1. State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine.
The article examines the issue of research-based learning in the education process of institutions of higher education. The aspect of formation of research skills in students is central in our research. The following research methods have been applied: theoretical ‒ the secondary analysis of philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical sources on the issue under consideration, which has given the possibility to systematize and generalize the available data; comparative ‒ has allowed finding a new angle in the issue of the role of research-based learning in the education process of higher education institutions. Besides, in our research we also rely on the data gathered personally while implementing curriculum direted on the development of research-and-development skills in students of a higher education institution. The results of the study allow concluding that that the research-based learning involves the introduction of scientific research methods into the process of educational cognition at all its stages (from perception to application in practice), determines ways of organizing educational and extracurricular research activities of students. Its result is a set of acquired knowledge and formed skills when solving research tasks in various social and professional situations.