Usıng Actıvıty Charts In The Educatıon Of Chıldren Wıth Autısm Spectrum Dısorder: A Systematıc Revıew




1. Kayseri University



In this study, it is aimed to examine the postgraduate theses in the field of activity charts used in the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Turkey. In the descriptive study, the single model, one of the general survey models, was used. In the study, all of the studies carried out until 2022 were discussed without any time limit. In order to collect the data of the study, a total of 8 postgraduate theses meeting the inclusion criteria of the study were included in the study, using keywords such as "autism", "autism spectrum disorder" and "activity schedules" from the database of the National Thesis Center. The study was examined according to the types of postgraduate theses, research models, the selection of participants, the practices, the skills aimed to be gained, and the results of the theses, in which the activity schedules used in the education of children with ASD were examined. Document analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data of the study. As a result; It is seen that the activity schedules used in the education of children with ASD are effective in gaining the target skills intended to be acquired by children with ASD in all thesis studies.


Cocuk ve Gelisim Dergisi


General Medicine

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