1. Agusti, C.E. (2013). Martin Crimp's Theatre: Collapse as Resistance to Late Capitalist Society, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin.
2. Aragay, M. & Escoda, C. (2012). Postdramatism, Ethics, and the Role of Light in Martin Crimp’s Fewer Emergencies. New Theatre Quarterly, 28(2), 133-142.
3. Borowski, M. & Sugiera, M. (2013). Political Fictions and Fictionalizations: History as Materia for Postdramatic Theatre edited by Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll and Steve Giles. Blomsbury: London.
4. Crimp, M. (2015). Martin Crimp: Plays 3. Faber and Faber, London.
5. Dromgoole, D. (2001). The Full Room: An A-Z of Contemporary Playwriting. Methuen Drama: London.