1. Cambridge Dictionary. 2022. "blunder" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/blunder (accessed 2022-04-29).
2. Cambridge Dictionary. 2022. "error" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/error (accessed 2022-04-29).
3. COCA The Corpus of Contemporary American English. Davies, M. 2008-. https://www.english-corpora.org/coca/
4. Cruse, D. A. 1986. Lexical Semantics. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
5. Cruse, A. 2000. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. K. Brown, E. V. Clark, A. McMahon, J. Miller, L. Milroy (eds.). 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.