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3. Fomin, V.V., Laužikas, R., Žižiūnas, T. (2021). Impact of the Digital Archaeology Practices on the Regulatory Framework Design and e-Communities. Presented at the CAA 2021 Digital Crossroads conference.
4. Fomin, V.V., Laužikas, R., Žižiūnas, T. (2022). Theorizing on the effects of digitization on urban heritage preservation monitoring practice. Towards new norms and standards for balanced resolution of the preservation-development paradox, in: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies. Presented at the 20th Annual STS Conference Graz, Graz, Austria.
5. Fomin, V.V., Laužikas, R., Žižiūnas, T. (2022). Digital Urban Heritage Preservation Practices: Framing a New European Standard, in: Jakobs, K., Kim, D. (Eds.), The 26th EURAS Conference. Presented at the 26th EURAS Conference, Aachener Beiträgezur Informatik, Glasgow, U.K.