Euritmijos pratimų taikymas ugdant mokinių ritmo pajautą muzikos pamokose: veiklos tyrimas 7 klasėje


Šauklė Ieva


The article reviews the ideology of the É. Jaques-Dalkroze musical-rhythmic education system, the eurythmy method is described, as well as its practical significance in developing a sense of rhythm through a case study, in the 7th grade music lessons of X Pro-Gymnasium.The results of the qualitative activity study revealed that students with good coordination, reaction, and motor skills have a good sense of rhythm. The sense of rhythm of weakly sensitive/anti-arrhythmic research participants during the practice of eurythmy exercises developed positively: the reaction of the participants improved, the internal sense of time duration, body movements became more expressive during the rhythm, and anti-rhythmicity no longer appeared during the practice of eurythmy exercises. Also, after practicing eurythmy exercises, better social skills, emotional state, and positive classroom climate of the participants were observed.


Vilnius University Press

Reference19 articles.

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