Nghiên cứu đánh giá khả năng sử dụng cát biển chế tạo bê tông đầm lăn làm lớp mặt đường giao thông nông thôn


Vũ Ngọc Trụ1,Nguyễn Tuấn Đạt2,Võ Nhật Luân3,Tăng Văn Lâm4,Nguyễn Trọng Dũng4


1. Trường Đại học Xây dựng Hà Nội

2. Phòng Quản lý đô thị, Quận 4, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

3. Trường Đại học Văn Hiến

4. Trường Đại học Mỏ-Địa chất


In this period of very scarce river sand resources for construction activities, the use of sea sand and salt-contaminated sand to replace river sand in roller-compacted concrete is necessary and suitable to the needs of actual demand. This article presents some research results on the possibility of using the sea sand of "Can Gio" to produce roller-compacted concrete for rural road surface layers. The roller-compacted concrete mix composition is designed according to ACI 211.3R standards with a fly ash-to-cement ratio by volume of 0.3. The required compressive strength value of the roller-compacted concrete sample is 27 MPa at the age of 28 days. The technical requirements of roller-compacted concrete using sea sand have been evaluated including the hardness of the concrete mixture, compressive strength, and abrasion resistance of tested concrete, using the ratio of sea sand- aggregate by volume ranges from 0.41 to 0.50. The study also compared the physical properties of "Can Gio" sea sand according to the technical requirements of standard TCVN 13754:2023 to provide recommendations when using salt-contaminated sand and sea sand for roller compacted concrete mixture.


Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology







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