Nghiên cứu khả năng chế tạo bê tông bọt – khí với cấu trúc dị hướng trên cơ sở bột nhôm và chất tạo bọt Eabassoc


Tăng Văn Lâm1,Võ Đình Trọng1,Hồ Anh Cương2


1. Trường Đại học Mỏ-Địa chất

2. Trường Đại học Giao thông Vận tải


This article presents some experimental research results on the composition and properties of aerated-foam concrete with a variable structure using available materials in Vietnam. To obtain concrete products containing anisotropic pores from the central area to the periphery, this study proposed fabricating cubic wooden molds with four perforated mold walls. The diameter of the pores is 1.5 mm and the distance between these pores is 10 mm. The pre-punching of hollow holes in the four mold wall panels is to remove excess gas and liquid phases during the setting and solidification process and form the internal variable structure of the air-foam concrete product. Experimental research results have shown that it is possible to produce anisotropic aerated-foam concrete with an average dry density of about 1459 kg/m3; the average compressive strength at the ages of 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days are 18.2 MPa; 21.2 MPa and 28.7 MPa, respectively. Besides, this study also compares the properties of anisotropic aerated-foam concrete with conventional foam concrete and aerated concrete. The obtained results show that the physical and mechanical properties of aerated-foam concrete with the variable structure are better than conventional foam concrete and aerated concrete with the same density.


Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology







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