The Inverted Pendulum, located on the vehicle, is widely used in the academic sense for the application of various control methods and comparison of their performance. An unstable and non-linear Inverted Pendulum is sensitive and fragile to system disturbances and measurement noises. Exposure to disturbances and sensor measurement noise adversely affects the performance of control systems and causes a decrease in control quality. One of the methods used as a solution to the mentioned problem is the control design method known as Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), which is a combination of Kalman Filter and LQR control.
In this study, for the Inverted Pendulum located on the vehicle, which is exposed to system disturbances and sensor noise, while the vehicle carrying the pendulum follows a given reference, the pendulum is required to maintain its unstable vertical equilibrium position. System disturbances and sensor noises are chosen as Gaussian White Noise. LQG servo control approach is adopted to provide reference tracking and maintain stability around the balance point. It is necessary to optimize the performance of the controller to be used in order to best meet the control requirements. For this purpose, the performance criterion weight matrices for the LQI block within the LQG servo controller have been optimized with the help of the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MOPSO).
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Engineering Sciences