1. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi
Social and cultural aspect of societies got changed because of the migration. This new multicultural societies have a huge effect on social life, culture, economics, politics and education. Living together with different cultures can be considered as an opportunity and it also create a basis for conflicts as well. It is a necessity to study on building consensus and peace culture between refugees and locals in the countries that hosting refugees. Building consensus and peace culture consists of different stages like; determining the problematic areas of living together, recognizing similarities and differences between cultures, accepting the other with respect and tolerance. Education has very important responsibility to create an awareness about these steps. This research aims to find solutions that refugees and citizens of host countries face about living together. For this purpose, a group of 14 immigrant and Turkish students studying at high school level was determined and the data were collected with focus group interviews. As a result of the research, it was seen that there were experiences pointing to harmony as well as experiences pointing to problems among students.
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1 articles.