Leaf and stem nutritive value of timothy cultivars differing in maturity


Bélanger G.,McQueen R. E.


The nutritive value of herbage is a function of the nutritive value of its component leaves and stems and their proportion in the herbage. A previous study indicated that the proportion of leaves in the herbage did not explain entirely the differences in in vitro true digestibility and NDF concentrations between early and late-maturing timothy (Phleum pratense L.) cultivars. It was therefore hypothesized that the leaves and stems of early and late-maturing cultivars differ in nutritive value. The evolution of leaf and stem nutritive value of field-grown timothy cultivars differing in maturity, and the relationships between parameters of leaf and stem nutritive value, and the leaf to weight ratio (LWR) were studied during primary growth in two experiments. On a given date, stems of early-maturing cultivars had in vitro true digestibilities of dry matter and cell wall up to 61 g kg−1 DM and 71 g kg−1 DM lower that those of late-maturing cultivars, respectively. The NDF concentration of stems of early-maturing cultivars was up to 32 g kg−1 DM greater than that of late-maturing cultivars. There were no cultivar differences in leaf in vitro true digestibilities of dry matter and cell wall, and NDF concentration on a given date. At a given LWR, however, the leaves and stems of early-maturing cultivars had greater in vitro true digestibilities of dry matter and cell wall, and a lower NDF concentration than those of late-maturing cultivars. Our results indicate that differences in herbage nutritive value at a given stage of maturity between early- and late-maturing timothy cultivars is explained by a greater nutritive value of leaves and stems of the early-maturing cultivars. Key words: Phleum pratense L., timothy, cultivar, digestibility, cell wall, leaf, stem


Canadian Science Publishing


Horticulture,Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science








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