Testicular measurements, including scrotal circumference (SC), testis length (TL), testis width (TW), scrotal skinfold thickness (ST) and tonometer score (TS), and body weight (BW) were collected from 233 rams of three synthetic strains, Suffolk and Finnish Landrace breeds, at 6, 8 and 10 mo of age, at the time of first breeding in September 1981 (11–13 mo) and second breeding in April 1982 (18–21 mo). Rams were exposed to continuous light from birth to weaning (21 ± 3 days of age), to a long day-length (16 h light: 8 h darkness) from weaning to 6 mo and then to a short day-length (9 h light: 15 h darkness) to the time of breeding. Subsequently, the rams were exposed to 4 mo of long day-length followed by a 4 mo of short day-length. All rams were hysterectomy derived, housed indoors year-round on expanded metal floors in windowless barns and reared artificially. Breed, birth date, age of ram and body weight were found to have important effects (P < 0.05) on testicular measurements of growing rams, whereas, age of dam and litter size effects were absent (P > 0.05). In general, meat-type sire breeds (Strain 1 and Suffolk) had larger SC, TL, TW and BW when compared to the fecund sheep breeds (Finnish Landrace, Strains 2 and 3). Testicular measurements and BW of Finnsheep rams were smaller when compared to all other rams examined. The significance of breed and birth date effects varied as the ram progressed in age. Testicular measurements and BW increased with age of ram from 6 to 8 mo but TS showed no change. SC and BW increased substantially at 18–21 mo (April) compared to 11–13 mo (September), whereas TL, TW, ST and TS declined. SC, TL and TW were significantly correlated with each other at all ages. ST and TS were independent traits with no significant relationship to SC, TL, TW and BW. Key words: Sheep, testicular measurements, breed, birth date, age of ram, body weight
Canadian Science Publishing
Animal Science and Zoology,Food Animals