The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' perspectives on scientific research and their capacity for self-employment and responsibility. The survey model was implemented in the design of the study. The population of the research is 2347 teacher candidates from the Faculty of Education at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. There are 479 teacher candidates in the sample, 370 of them are women and 109 men. Data were gathered online using two different subject-related scales. Aligned with the study's findings, it was concluded that the teacher candidates’ self-employability and responsibility capability differs significantly according to the idea of pursuing a master's degree and the grade level. It was also discovered that the perspectives of the teacher candidates on scientific research differed significantly according to gender, the idea of pursuing a master's degree, weighted grade point average, the department they studied and the degree of satisfaction with the department. It was also revealed that there is a low-level positive noteworthy relationship between teacher candidates' self-employability and responsibility capability and their perspectives on scientific research. The present situation has been assessed in light of the research's findings, and ideas for additional work have been suggested.
Journal of Teacher Education and Lifelong Learning
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