Multi-objective optimization of elastomeric bearings to improve seismic performance of old bridges using eigen analysis and genetic algorithms




Old bridges present several seismic vulnerabilities and were designed before the emergence of seismic codes. In this context, partial seismic isolation has given a special attention to improve their seismic performance. In particular, elastomeric bearings are the simplest and least expensive mean for this, enabling to resist both non-seismic actions and earthquake loads. In order to assess the initial structural performance and the improvement done by the isolation, this paper attempts to combine multi objective optimization using genetic algorithms with linear and non-linear analysis using FE program OpenSees. A prior screening of the columns states is settled and then a multi objective optimization of a population of standard sized bearings meeting non-seismic and stability requirements is established to optimize the linear and non-linear behavior of the structure, finding the best compromise between displacements and forces at the columns


Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Press


Earth-Surface Processes,General Environmental Science,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering

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